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Deng Jifang went to Wanshen, Yichun to investigate the investment in scientific and technological innovation research

2022-06-09 06:39:05
On March 5, deng jifang, a member of the party leading group of the provincial department of science and technology and the leader of discipline inspection, accompanied by huang jianjun, secretary of the party working committee of jingkai district, zhou jianxian, director of the science and technology bureau of yichun city, Yang rongmao, deputy secretary of the party working committee of jingkai district and other leaders, went to yichun wanshen to investigate the r&d input of scientific and technological innovation of enterprises.
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Deng jifang and his team inspected the production process line, digital production electronic control kanban, and the provincial engineering technology research center. Xiong hongfeng, chairman of the board of directors of the company, reported to deng jifang, group leader of the group, the implementation and promotion of the major r&d projects undertaken by the provincial department of science and technology, as well as the current production and operation, scientific research input and market promotion of the company.
Group leader deng jifang encouraged enterprises to make further progress, encouraged enterprises to increase investment in scientific and technological research and development, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the implementation and transformation of scientific and technological project achievements, and constantly expand the strength of enterprises.
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